The Salt Suite® is best known for its immersive salt therapy caves. There’s plenty to love about them: a 45-minute, more relaxing session; a calming atmosphere; and the option to bring friends and family along.
For over thousands of years in many parts of the world people have utilized the healing benefits of salt helping people breathe better, build their immune systems, and purify their body from harmful bacteria. Since salt has profoundly impacted the lives of humans everywhere. It’s the time-tested value of salt therapy that has continued to improve people’s quality of life. The Salt Suite® is proud to bring an ancient, natural and proven therapy to US communities and to provide education and choice in how we heal ourselves and our families.
Stay up to date with the most recent insights, trends, articles, and news from the salt industry around the world.
Get the scoop on salt therapy: its history, modern uses, and real life stories in our mini book, "The Simple Story of Salt."