Asthma, eczema and allergies are only getting more and more common with the climate changing and the temperature getting hotter, creating longer pollen seasons. Another contributor to the uprise of these health issues is immune system dysregulation which occurs when children’s diets include too many processed foods or foods high in sugar, carbohydrates, or food additives. Unfortunately, these issues can also be hereditary, meaning if the parents both have allergic predispositions, the child has an increased chance of having an allergic disposition.
Scientists believe that with the the temperature getting hotter, there will an increased amount of pollen quantity and longer pollen seasons. When the temperature gets warmer, it causes flowers to bloom earlier, meaning there is an increased amount of carbon dioxide in the air. These changes create an increase in the concentration of pollen. Pollen allergy, also called “Hay Fever”, is one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States.
Another big contributor to these issues is diet. Nowadays, with all the processed foods, it’s important to check what foods you are either allergic or sensitive to. Adding more supplements to your diet, such as Vitamin D, can help boost your immune system intake. It is also important to try to stay away from processed foods as much as possible and also avoid foods with a lot of additives. Getting rid of foods with high sugar and gluten is a great way to help prevent an asthma attack. Sugar and gluten are one of the most common asthma triggers that cause inflammation in the airways.
Asthma attacks can be very common, so it’s always important to stay safe and to avoid things that trigger those attacks. One of the most common ways to be prepared is to carry an inhaler with you at all times. Asthma attacks can be very painful and dangerous, so avoiding things that trigger them is very important. Asthma can block your airways, making it very difficult to breathe and to talk. Without the proper care, these issues only get worse with time.
The Salt Suite® can help treat and prevent these health issues by clearing up mucus and opening airways for better and easier breathing. The salt rooms are also 100% natural and 100% safe for all ages unlike other treatments, such as medicine, which can have nasty side effects long-term. The negatively charged ions in salt improves mood and health by increasing levels of serotonin. Salt therapy can help with these issues and much more by strengthening the immune system all together.